Depuis le début de la crise qui frappe la France et le monde, les équipes du groupe Carrefour sont mobilisées pour assurer un service de première nécessité et permettre aux Français de se nourrir et de faire leurs courses le plus sereinement possible.

While continuing to operate, the Carrefour group is doing everything possible to protect the health and safety of both its employees and its customers:
- Wide-ranging individual and collective protection measures have been implemented from the very first day across all of the group's sites (barrier protection measures, distribution of hand sanitiser gel and gloves, installation of Plexiglas barriers, provision of protective visors, etc.).
- Following ongoing dialogue with social partners, hypermarket and supermarket opening times have been shortened so as to relieve the teams who have been on the front lines right from the start of the pandemic. Going forward and until further notice, Carrefour hypermarket and Carrefour Market stores will close no later than 7 PM, and as was the case on Sunday 29 March, they will be closed (exceptionally) on Sunday 5 April.

The Group is continuing to bolster the measures in place to protect its teams. As soon the French government ceased its requisition measures, Carrefour ordered massive quantities of masks for all of its employees. 2 million masks arrived on French territory on Sunday evening and are in the process of being sent out to all Carrefour warehouses and stores. These deliveries will continue over the coming weeks.